Tag Archives: Moving

moving house

Moving to a New House – Key Do’s and Don’ts

Regardless of where you’re moving to, or if you’re moving yourself or hiring a removal company, moving to a new house is pretty stressful. In fact, it’s listed as one of the most stressful things to do after having a baby and organising a marriage (or getting a divorce). You know it is going to cost a lot of money, you don’t have to be an accountant to grasp the financial situation, but If you want it to go as smoothly as possible but not cost the earth, you’ll want to read our key do’s and don’ts:

buy my own home

Is Renting for Me?

There are a variety of pros and cons with renting a house. I am currently renting even though I have recently bought a house. This might seem odd but it’s because I am having my house refurbished, which can be stressful at times so I thought it would be a better idea to rent short term to be able to escape the mess.The original idea was to do it up slowly while I lived there but, in the end, I though it would be best to get the main sections done before I moved in. I have taken on the role of project manager, but I’m beginning to wonder if it would have been a more sensible idea to actually hire a professional. Nevertheless the work is half way through so now its time to start deciding on the final touches. I can’t wait for the day to be able to get my belongings out of my storage and be moved into my new place.