Tag Archives: rich people

london scene where the rich live

Where Do The Richest People In The UK Live?

A third of the entire planet’s High Net Worth Individuals (the very rich basically) reside in the UK so it is no surprise that there are some very, very wealthy parts of the UK. London of course is the main place rich people reside. Throughout history the most affluent members of society lived in London, but there are other areas where you will find high levels of wealth dotted across the UK, even in some cases, small towns.

The way wealth is determined statistically usually takes a person’s entire worth, including money in the bank and business assets less any outstanding mortgage amounts or other different types of loans. However, sometimes it is judged on the disposable income a person has. For example, West London is the richest part of the UK overall because the average amount of disposable income per person is over £35,000 a year. This is no surprise really as Kensington and Chelsea are in this area.